
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Retain more and Recruit more with Patriot Lift Co

Patriot Lift Co. has come up with some attractive and beneficial new technology for the trailer industry. In the previous blog post, you have already been informed about the “Pioneer of Landing Gear Automation” to make you aware of this latest technology. The invention of automatic landing gear has made the work of trucking industry easier than ever before. 

We have developed ourselves in every possible way. So, why the trailer industry would be avoided!! No chance!! And thus those useful landing gears came into existence which helped us a lot in every way.

After the previous blog, I have received the same question from a lot of readers that how this automatic landing gear is aiding in driver recruitment and retention. So, today I have decided to frame a blog which will give you a satisfactory answer to your query. Are you ready to know them!! Let’s dig in…

The Main Reason behind more and more Driver retention & recruitment

In our life, safety and security are the most necessary ones; we work, we earn, we eat just to survive in a secured manner on this planet. This safety is the biggest gift that the trailer industry has got from Patriot Lift Co.

In previous days the landing gears were manual with cranky handles to move by the worker to either raise or deploy the trailer. This was tough and also not safe. The workers would have been facing injury every now and then for the use of this manual machine. 

But, nowadays, when the trailer industry has got automated landing gear, there is nothing to be worry about. The lifting up and down of a trailer, now, is just a switch away which takes less than 10 seconds!! Yes, can you believe it!! Only on 10 seconds you can either lift up or down the trailer, that too with the utmost safety. 

It actually works by air power continuously provided by the Emergency Brake System while on the process. So, the worker does not have to put a lot of pressure for the operation. 

How this Reason has helped in Driver retention & recruitment?

Well, as I have already mentioned that safety and security are the most important things in our life. We are working to survive and to live a good life; then who would be willing to take risk with life by working in the trailer industry!! Though not the entire trucking industry, the workers involved for the job of raising and deploying trucks would definitely have been into risk with that manual landing gear.

Please visit here:   Patriot Lift Co - Pioneer Of Landing Gear Automation!

  •         Retention – When the workers can work with automated landing gear, the job becomes smoother for them. So, they don’t feel like changing the job again and again because they are getting security from trailer industry. Also the work becomes easy and less time consuming and thus they feel interested in working more and more, which, as a result, helps the industry to improve
  •      Recruitment – And when the market is getting to know that now, it is safe to work for trucking industry, the workers will also start applying to the concerned job. That’s why the recruitments will also increase hand-in-hand.

So, I hope this blog has proved to be beneficial for all of you who asked me how Patriot Lift Co. is helping the trucking industry in more retention and recruitment. If you have any other query, feel free to ask me in the comments section and keep on following this section for more updates…

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